Thursday, July 4, 2013

Man of Steel

Man of Steel was a good movie. The music was not all that great, and overall very forgettable. The story was very fast paced and did some very interesting things. For example, the exposition with Superman's parents was very well laid out. The portrayal of the planet Krypton was very good. I loved all the costumes for the movie, especially all those worn by the council members on Krypton. Also it really helped the pacing of the movie that they used flashbacks to Superman's past throughout the film rather than simply telling the story in chronological order. The special effects were very well done, but the movie almost relied on them a bit too much. The story could have been stronger if it had not relied as heavily on these special effects. Also the story was not as relatable as it could have been. Yes, Superman by nature is a harder character to relate to, but both the villain and the hero of this movie were portrayed as very disconnected from Earth. Yes, Superman saved the Earth, but there was a lot less of that feeling, and the emotional side of the story and more pure action and battle sequences. Without those emotional aspects in the story the audience does not grow as attached to the characters and does not relate as well. If there had been more emotion behind the story it might have helped Superman be more relatable. Don't get me wrong, there was still a lot of emotion in the movie, such as when Superman finally got his victory and snapped General Zod's neck and yelled wildly, only to be comforted by Lois Lane. This scene and the scene where Clark was a kid and couldn't handle all his senses were the most emotional of all the scenes. The emotion level just seemed to drop a lot when there were battle sequences and that lowered the quality of those scenes and forced them to rely on the special effects to awe the audience rather than make them feel attached to the story. Overall it was a pretty good movie.

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