Friday, June 21, 2013


   I have to say that I was rather disapointed with this Hitchcock film. There were definently some brilliant moments such as the scene right before the bomb explodes with the quick cuts between the boy and the clock. Other than a few golden moments, this film was not as likable as other Hitchcock films. It moved slower in the beginning and the story took a while to set up. I did really like the loose ending it left off with. It was very abrupt, but it made the viewer think about the film long after it was done, debating what would have happened next if the film had continued. The ending and the bomb scene were the crown jewels of this film, but overall it was not the most entertaining film in the world. It had a good premise, and story, but it could have been set up better so that the audience would be more quickly tied into the story. 

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