Friday, June 21, 2013


This movie concluded the television show Firefly beautifully leaving only a few loose ends left untouched. From start to finish, it was action packed, and kept viewers on the edge of their seats. Several notable scenes include the flashback to River's escape, the battle sequence at the end, Wash's death, and the scene where River attacks everyone in the pub after saying Miranda.  The flashback was a brilliant piece of cinematography; not only did it serve to tie up loose ends for the audience, but it also introduced the film's villain. The battle sequence began with a very clever twist, and unfolded to create an epic sequence. Wash's death is tragic, and sudden, and end viewers are not likely to forget, though he is not the only casualty in the movie. Lastly River's attack scene gives the audience a taste of the girls capabilities and foreshadows the role River will play in the later battle sequence. The movie certainly exceeds the show in many ways, and leaves fans of the Firefly series thirsting for more trips on Serenity smuggling goods, making a way in the Verse!  

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