Sunday, July 21, 2013

2001: A Space Odyssey

This movie left me with two side effects: confusion and a headache. The allegorical nature of this movie made it very hard to follow especially since it was designed to be so ambiguous and open to interpretation. Pretty much the only connection I understood while watching the movie was the connection between the computer Hal and the Cyclopes in Homer's The Odyssey. As for the movie in its technical aspects it was visually stunning. All the ships in space looked incredible. For the time it was made, the visual effects were top notch. Also the lighting was really good for the time as well as the very interesting camera angles they used. Other than that and the allegory there wasn't really much that was good about this movie. ALL the movement was too slow and drawn out. There was too long of gaps between human dialogue and explanation, including about the first half hour of the movie not having any dialogue whatsoever. The foley art was terrible, specifically all the scenes with breathing. The breathing sound was always mixed in too loudly and it became distracting and irritating. The music had great moments, but it really didn't seem to fit with the movie's feel. Also all the scenes with the black slab, the music in them was so chaotic that it made audiences dread to see it on the screen. It was a brilliant psychological devise used by the director, but an uncomfortable one for those audience members that already have a headache from listening to all the chimps screaming at each other and the other various sounds which drove one crazy watching the film. It was interesting, I'll give it that, and it certainly did make me think, but the headache I received from watching the film overrules any pleasure that I received in watching it.

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