Friday, July 19, 2013

The Power of Three

The opening montage of this episode was really good. Using Amy as a narrator was not a particularly good choice particularly since the last episode had a narrator was well. The montage with all the news clips about the cubes was also really good. Brian, once again, was a brilliant character. The concept of having the Doctor stay in the life of his companions instead of the other way around like usual. There was were a lot of montages in this episode, but I think that the montage really helped to set the feel of this episode. There is more foreshadowing in this episode for what will happen when the future of am and Rory's companionship with the Doctor. The montage with the Doctor trying to entertain himself at the pond's house while they wait for the cubes to do something was really funny. The new UNIT is good, and Kate Stewart was a great character connecting the new series to the classic episodes of Doctor Who. The scene between Amy and the Doctor when he asks her if she is going to stop traveling with him was a great scene. Using the classic countdown technique was a great way to build suspense in this episode. The conclusion was really rushed and seemed too easy for the difficulty of the problem presented; it was a very unsatisfactory ending. Overall this was a really good episode and all the ideas behind it were really great, but the ending was too quick and not thorough enough. 

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