Thursday, July 4, 2013

Spiritual Twist Productions Christian Youth Theater's "Beauty and the Beast"

Beauty and the Beast is probably the weakest CYT production that I have been a part of. There were some really clever things about the play through, like for instance the set. The set was designed to be a storybook. Whenever there was a different location the page in the book would be turned to reveal that new place. Also there was the song "Wonder what they'll write about me" which was very good. That song alone contained many different allusions to the works of Mr. Shakespeare himself. They way the play-write, Mrs. Snapp, worked in each allusion within such a small frame of time was very unique! The set really was amazing though, it was one of the most clever sets CYT has ever done, it is right up there with the radio set CYT had for Ruth: A Love Story.

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