Friday, July 19, 2013

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

The character of Brian was the highlight of the episode. The lighting for this episode was good as well, not as good as Asylum, but still a lot better than the previous seasons. The idea behind this episode was quite absurd and distant and the episode relied a little too heavily on comedy. Also there were so many people traveling with the Doctor that much of the opportunity of each character was not fulfilled because of the lack of time. The costumes of this episode did not read as well on the screen as they could have. The striped sweater on Amy's costume made her look bigger than she was, and Rory's jeans were a really sickly color that looked terrible especially in all the blue lighting in many of the scenes. Every main character wore blue, which seemed unrealistic. The blue costumes do look the best in the blue lighting, but some variety is need as well, perhaps some white. There was a little bit of brown, which was good, but the variety wasn't enough. The robots of this episode were too silly; this episode really did depend too heavily on comedy. The best comedy of this episode were the reactions between Rory and his father. There had been a theme of the Doctor playing classical music. He was on the triangle in the last episode and he was hands three and four on a four hands piece for piano in this one. Is this going to be a theme throughout the whole season? There is so much foreshadowing in the scene between Amy and the Doctor near the end of the episode. The ending with all the postcards from Brian was golden.  This episode was certainly not amongst the best of Doctor Who, but it certainly had some good moments.

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