Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cloud Atlas

This movie had very interesting concepts but was rather difficult to follow. The director made an interesting choice to cast the majority of the lead actors as multiple characters. This concept for a film was very fascinating, but confused the story of the movie. The film had so many different story lines going on at once with only vague connections between them, but despite how difficult the movie was to understand after only one viewing, it was a good film. I don't think I ever want to watch it again, though I think I would understand it a lot better if I saw it again. The actors playing multiple roles was very unique and an interesting approach to telling a story, and the concepts of the movie were deep and thought provoking. It was interesting to see how they connected the different time periods together. It is based off of a book, which would also probably be pretty interesting, and probably help one's understanding of the story. Overall it was a very good film, I just don't think it would be worth ever watching again. 

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