Friday, July 19, 2013

A Town Called Mercy

The narration of this episode really adds to the feel of this specific episode. The line right before the credits is brilliant. Great use of a trick to cause the audience to think one thing when the writer means another to add suspense to the story! The lighting of this film is gorgeous. Also the costumes are a lot better than the last episode. The comment the Doctor makes about his christmas list is a great follow up for the comment in the last episode about his Christmas list. The scene where Matt Smith walks into the Saloon and asks for tea was great. The American accents in this episode are rather cheesy, it is quite humorous listening to the British people trying to imitate people's speech here. The sheriff does a great job developing his character. The thing on the alien species faces was really odd. There is a very different side of Matt Smith's Doctor exposed in this episode. The taunt about having the nerve to be able to save his people no matter what the cost. The guilt the Doctor feels about destroying his people in the time war at the cost of destroying the Daleks is made apparent in the anger he shows in this episode. The music really enhances the feel of this episode. The use of rack focus in the scene with the clock behind the Doctor was brilliant, and it really added to the suspense of the scene.  The explosion of the alien ship at the end of the episode looked a little out of place for the setting, so it just screamed computer generation. The end of the episode was a great twist, with the gunslinger becoming the Marshall!

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