Thursday, July 4, 2013

Spiritual Twist Productions Christian Youth Theater's "Around the World in 80 Days"

This play, written by Mr. Brian Shrager, was fantastic! It had great humor spread throughout it, as well as many audience interactions for those sitting in "the splash zone". Around the World in 80 Days is one of the fastest moving and difficult plays that CYT does. Every cast member has a lot of stage time, and the characters are always on the move. It is a fast paced adventure, that leaves the audience quoting it for days and even years afterwards! It tells the story of a man, Mr. Fog, who was beaten and ridiculed for his faith when he was a young man; because of this treatment he has remained silent much of his adult life. Fog's character unfolds and develops beautifully as he is challenged to make a trip around the world in 80 days or less. Once again, this is a DVD that presents a story that was written for the stage, and is therefore better when presented live, but the quality of this performance is higher than the usual quality of the Tuesday 13+ group's plays at CYT, so it makes a better DVD than many of the other plays. It was quite a difficult play to be in, but fun nonetheless, and a great one to sit back and watch years afterwards from the comfort of your living room!

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