Thursday, July 11, 2013

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

This film, like the two that come before it, is brilliant. The sequences on Endor and on the new death star are beautifully crafted. The second face off between Luke and Vader is classic and well portrayed. The music in this film was amazing as usual. One thing that stood out in this film that was done particularly well, was the symbolic use of costumes. Luke's costume undergoes a major change for this movie and it symbolizes the change in his character that has occurred in the time that fell between this movie and the last one. The change shows that he has grown in power, and control, in his ability to use the force, and many other things. The story was also well developed. The addition of the fact that Leia was Luke's sister wasa beautiful twist. Many stories use the classic love triangle which was in this story existed between Luke, Leia, and Han, so this twist Andes shape and dynamic to the story. It added interest and flair! This conclusion to the saga and the original trilogy is beautiful and brilliant. The one thing I must say, is that I am not a big fan of the changes made to the films in the remastered editions. To me, it seems like a crime to mess with such classic movies. 

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